Archives for category: Interview

This video shows astronauts playing soccer from the International Space Station (ISS) and astronauts answering fan submitted questions.

You can watch the whole video downlink by clicking this image:

nasa space station video green halo waste tracking system

Watch Chat With the Crew of the International Space Station


( Source: )

Another great Green article from Green Halo

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This is one video you won’t want to miss! It shows astronauts playing soccer from the International Space Station (ISS) and they answer fan submitted questions. The crew talks about the teams that they are rooting for, their jobs, what type of cameras they use for space photography, the foods that they miss eating, and how often they get to chat with their families among other things.

You can watch the whole video downlink here:


( Source: )

Another great Green article from Green Halo
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Green building is expected to grow 10% in upcoming years and many in the industry consider sustainable building to be the “right way to build” now a days. At a time when people are still building, consuming, and spending the majority of their time indoors it is critical that we build more sustainable buildings. explains that green buildings are designed to meet certain objectives such as “protecting occupant health; improving employee productivity; using energy, water, and other resources more efficiently; and reducing the overall impact to the environment”. If you’ve ever been in a green building before, high achieving green buildings are stunning. The air quality inside certainly feels better than most buildings, the overall impact to the environment is also great because of the landscaping that is chosen and you would notice different materials that are likely made from recycling.

This article is preparation for a very special “How to Choose a Green Contractor” interview/article that is coming soon. What’s important to know ahead of time, is what a green building looks like because it is a fairly new idea. Some of the benefits are lower operating costs over the life of the building, improved productivity, reduced environmental impact, and increase in health and in comfort.

Some green buildings look like the modern marvels they are but they can also be designed to be more lavish like other fabulous homes of the past. Now, let’s look at some inspiring homes, and please read next week for the special piece that’s coming up!

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Another great Green article from Green Halo
Track your recycling at
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